Health & Wellness
Social Media Management

INA: Building a Brand of Luxury from Scratch

Client Location:
July 2024

In January 2024, we started social media management for INA, a new Chicago-based spa. We have already done work for the spa’s owner, and were able to approach this client with a level of trust that often takes months to accumulate. Because of this, we had creative liberty to make whatever content we saw fit. 

To a content creator, this feels like the opportunity of a lifetime. With years of production experience under our belts, we had all the tools necessary to create cinematic, conceptual videos. Instead of that, however, we chose to keep our content simple and elegant. Our first reel was only six seconds long, despite our urge to craft a 3 minute epic. This simple clip was clearly effective– it earned 24k plays and 568 likes, despite the account only recently being created. Watch time metrics from Meta suggest that viewers tended to watch the entire video, proving that our content was engaging. 

What would come in the following two months was an unprecedented level of growth. After starting the account completely from scratch, We managed to reach 43.8 thousand people, and garnered 2.1k link clicks. Not only was our content reaching people, but it’s making them curious about our brand. 

After sprinkling in some high quality pictures, a few more tasteful reels, and a giveaway, we had built a following for INA that would remain loyal. Our content still consistently receives over 2k impressions, and those loyal followers we acquired in the beginning continue to be a part of the loyal customer base of Chicago’s beauty sanctuary. 

What we learned: People often think that success requires doing “more.” That’s not what the data tells us. While high quality, long form content would fare better at an advertising award show, it does not help you achieve growth on social media. In a world where attention spans are constantly on the decline, you may only get someone’s attention for five seconds before they scroll. That’s why our content strategy for INA is reliant on quick videos that encapsulate INA’a aura as succinctly as possible. 

Results Backed by Data


Total Reach

Unique People who have seen Our Content


Total Link Clicks

Times people click on INA's website from Instagram


Total Organic Reach

Times people saw content with zero dollars in ad spend

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